Brake Service

Ensuring that your brakes are working in optimal condition is essential to prevent damages or accidents. If your brakes are showing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to get them checked for the safety of you and your loved ones:
- Your brakes make screeching noises
- They feel like they’re tugging and pulsating
- The pedal feels mushy with the ABS light on
- You find it harder to bring your car to a stop
There are multiple underlying causes for a faulty brake. Screeching sounds could be an indication of worn-out brake pads while grinding sounds could indicate damaged brake discs or rotors. Our professional mechanics here at AUTOBACS will do a thorough check and diagnosis before recommending suitable solutions.

Our brake services include:
- Brake pad replacement
- Car suspension repairs
- Car suspension replacement
- Ball joint fixes
- Shocks and struts replacement
- Brake disc repair and replacement
- Brake hose repair and replacement
- Brake nozzle repair and replacement

Brake lines made from steel can accumulate rust over time, but high-performance hydraulic brake fluid can keep brake lines at ease. At AUTOBACS, we use a brake fluid machine that connects directly to the brake master pump. The existing fluid from the brake line is flushed and new brake fluids are pumped in at the same time.

Why get your brake fluid replacement from AUTOBACS?
- We are completely transparent with our diagnosis, recommendations, and services.
- Our brake fluid replacement techniques are among the best in the industry and can help preserve your engine’s lifespan.
- Proactive checks are conducted by our knowledgeable repair team to highlight any other possible potential car issues.
- Serviced by professional technicians that receive regular training from Japan every quarter to ensure that all services are executed with the highest quality.
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